TIES542 Principles of Programming Languages

Summer 2017

This summer this course can be completed by studying independently using the Spring 2017 materials.

You should start by reading the following documents of the Spring 2017 course:

Note that the Deadlines policy does not apply in the Summer course. There is only one hard deadline, and it will not be extended without an exceptionally good reason.

There are the following main differences in the Summer course compared to the Spring course:

  • There are no actual course meetings. Instead, you will need to complete the corresponding take-home tasks.
  • None of the Spring deadlines apply.
  • The hard deadline for all tasks is August 21, 2017. No extensions are granted without an exceptionally good reason.
    • This deadline applies also to revisions based on teacher feedback.
    • There is one general exception: any revisions based on teacher feedback dated after August 7, 2017, must be submitted within two weeks of the date of the feedback.
  • Koppa submissions should go here.

The first task you submit must be your Personal Study Plan. In your Plan, you should give a tentative timeline for submitting all the tasks you intend to submit; however, this timeline will not be binding.

Submissions made between June 20 and August 6 will be reviewed in August.

Credits will be given as soon as all your mandatory tasks have been approved; your completion date will be the date you submitted your last task in an acceptable state.

Important announcements will be made in the course mailing list, to which all registered students are automatically added. The mailing list has a public archive.

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