Omat tiedot

# userrealname

Please to interact with this component.


1. Demot

# getdemonro
Plugin jsrunner error:
YAML is malformed: Error in expanding macros: 'demoids' is undefined

# tarkistademot
Plugin jsrunner error:
YAML is malformed: Error in expanding macros: 'demoids' is undefined


Demokerta Teit yhteensä Hyvityspisteisiin lasketaan
Demo 1

Please to interact with this component.


Please to interact with this component.


Demo 2

Please to interact with this component.


Please to interact with this component.


Demo 3

Please to interact with this component.


Please to interact with this component.


Demo 4

Please to interact with this component.


Please to interact with this component.


Demo 5

Please to interact with this component.


Please to interact with this component.


Demo 6

Please to interact with this component.


Please to interact with this component.


Demo 7

Please to interact with this component.


Please to interact with this component.


Demo 8

Please to interact with this component.


Please to interact with this component.


Demo 9

Please to interact with this component.


Please to interact with this component.


Demo 10

Please to interact with this component.


Please to interact with this component.


Demo 11

Please to interact with this component.


Please to interact with this component.



Kerta Teit yhteensä Hyvityspisteisiin lasketaan
PP 1

Please to interact with this component.


Please to interact with this component.


PP 2

Please to interact with this component.


Please to interact with this component.


PP 3

Please to interact with this component.


Please to interact with this component.


PP 4

Please to interact with this component.


Please to interact with this component.


PP 5

Please to interact with this component.


Please to interact with this component.


PP 6

Please to interact with this component.


Please to interact with this component.


PP 7

Please to interact with this component.


Please to interact with this component.


Please to interact with this component.


# importDemoData

Please to interact with this component.

# demo8pLimiter

Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.


# jsdemo
# GLO_stat
# demotable

Please to interact with this component.

2. Harjoitustyö (ohjeet)

Opiskelija täyttää: GitLab-varaston URL-osoite

Please to interact with this component.

Gitlab-varaston URL-osoite


Opiskelija täyttää: Mikäli varasto on muualla kuin GitLabissa, täytä URL tähän. HUOM! JY opiskelijat käyttävät GitLabia.

Please to interact with this component.

Muun Git-varaston URL-osoite


Opiskelija täyttää: Harjoitustyön esittelyn ruutukaappausvideon URL-osoite

Please to interact with this component.



Ohjaaja täyttää (Täyttöohje)

(Mitä nämä kentät tarkoittavat?)

Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



Ohjaajan huomiot (Täyttöohje):

Please to interact with this component.


# httable

Please to interact with this component.

Harjoitustyön osien arviointi

Osiin liittyvät vaatimukset on dokumentoitu harjoitustyön ohjeistuksessa.

Ohjaaja täyttää (Täyttöohje)

Please to interact with this component.


Please to interact with this component.


Please to interact with this component.


Please to interact with this component.


Please to interact with this component.


Please to interact with this component.


Please to interact with this component.


Please to interact with this component.


Please to interact with this component.


Please to interact with this component.


Please to interact with this component.


Please to interact with this component.


# httableosat

Please to interact with this component.

3. Debuggausnäyte (ohjeet)

Opiskelija täyttää: Debuggausnäytteen ruutukaappausvideon URL-osoite

Please to interact with this component.



Ohjaaja täyttää: Debuggausnäytteen arviointi

Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



# debugtable

Please to interact with this component.

# paintfields

4. Tentti

Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



# countgrade

Osasuoritukset ja arvosana

Osasuoritus OK / Arvosana Muuta

Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.



Please to interact with this component.


(Näkyminen vaatii, että HT ja debug on tehty.)
Tentti 6.4.

Please to interact with this component.


Kysymykset ja arvosteluperusteet
Tentti 25.5.

Please to interact with this component.


Kysymykset ja arvosteluperusteet
Tentti 10.6.

Please to interact with this component.


Kysymykset ja arvosteluperusteet
Kurssin arvosana:

Please to interact with this component.


Please to interact with this component.



# osasuoritustable

Please to interact with this component.

5. Käyttöjärjestelmäsi (tilastointia varten)

# kayttis

6. Tilastot keväällä 2022

|     Demo    |  1   |  2  |  3   |  4   |  5   |  6   |  7   |  8   |  9   |  10  | 11   | Läpi |
| Palauttajia | 220  | 225 | 222  | 217  | 206  | 192  | 190  | 174  | 166  | 165  | 163  | 138  |
| Prosenttia  | 97,7 | 100 | 98,6 | 96,4 | 91,5 | 85,3 | 84,4 | 77,3 | 73,7 | 73,3 | 72,4 | 61,3 |

Tilastoja syksyn kursseilta

7. Lisäkurssit (1-5op)

Lue tarkemmat ohjeet kurssin lisäosien suoritukseen täältä:


# fields
# ImportData

Please to interact with this component.

# tableForm_table

Please to interact with this component.

These are the current permissions for this document; please modify if needed. You can always modify these permissions from the manage page.