The referenced paragraph does not exist.
The referenced paragraph does not exist.

Ohjelmointi 1, syksy 2016, luento 24


- lähtötilanne: svn export
- lopputilanne: svn export
# L24

24. luento: ti 22.11.2016 klo 14:15-16:00: Kertausluento, Luentokysymyksiä


# Plugin1


expl: {}
  answerFieldType: radio
    headers: []
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 0, type: answer}
      id: 0
      text: '0'
      type: question
    - columns:
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      id: 1
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      type: question
    - columns:
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      id: 2
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      type: question
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      id: 3
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      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 7, type: answer}
      id: 7
      text: '7'
      type: question
  matrixType: ''
  questionText: "1) Montako neliötä ohjelma piirtää"
  questionType: radio-vertical
  timeLimit: 31
  title: "neliötä"
points: '1:1'
expl: {}
  answerFieldType: radio
    headers: []
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 0, type: answer}
      id: 0
      text: '0'
      type: question
    - columns:
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      id: 2
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      type: question
    - columns:
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      id: 3
      text: '3'
      type: question
    - columns:
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      id: 4
      text: '4'
      type: question
    - columns:
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      id: 5
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      type: question
    - columns:
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      id: 6
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      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 7, type: answer}
      id: 7
      text: '7'
      type: question
  matrixType: ''
  questionText: "2) Montako ympyrätä ohjelma piirtää"
  questionType: radio-vertical
  timeLimit: 120
  title: montako
points: '4:1'
expl: {}
  answerFieldType: checkbox
    headers: []
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 0, type: answer}
      id: 0
      text: Pallot
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 1, type: answer}
      id: 1
      text: PhysicsGame
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 2, type: answer}
      id: 2
      text: pallo
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 3, type: answer}
      id: 3
      text: Begin
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 4, type: answer}
      id: 4
      text: Vaihda
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 5, type: answer}
      id: 5
      text: Color
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 6, type: answer}
      id: 6
      text: Lisaa
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 7, type: answer}
      id: 7
      text: Luo
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 8, type: answer}
      id: 8
      text: return
      type: question
  matrixType: ''
  questionText: "3) Ohjelmassa on metodit (olion omat aliohjelmat jotka tarvitsevat\
    \ this-viitettä) nimeltään"
  questionType: checkbox-vertical
  timeLimit: 50
  title: metodit
points: 4:0.4;5:0.3;7:0.3
expl: {}
  answerFieldType: checkbox
    headers: []
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 0, type: answer}
      id: 0
      text: Pallot
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 1, type: answer}
      id: 1
      text: PhysicsGame
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 2, type: answer}
      id: 2
      text: pallo
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 3, type: answer}
      id: 3
      text: Begin
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 4, type: answer}
      id: 4
      text: Vaihda
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 5, type: answer}
      id: 5
      text: Color
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 6, type: answer}
      id: 6
      text: Lisaa
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 7, type: answer}
      id: 7
      text: Luo
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 8, type: answer}
      id: 8
      text: return
      type: question
  matrixType: ''
  questionText: "4) Ohjelmassa on funktiot (aliohjelmia jotka palauttavat arvon ja\
    \ toimivat ilman this-viitettä) nimeltään"
  questionType: checkbox-vertical
  timeLimit: 50
  title: funktioita
points: '8:1'
expl: {}
  answerFieldType: checkbox
    headers: []
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 0, type: answer}
      id: 0
      text: pallo
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 1, type: answer}
      id: 1
      text: x
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 2, type: answer}
      id: 2
      text: y
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 3, type: answer}
      id: 3
      text: p
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 4, type: answer}
      id: 4
      text: peli
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 5, type: answer}
      id: 5
      text: this
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 6, type: answer}
      id: 6
      text: o
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 7, type: answer}
      id: 7
      text: PhysicsObject
      type: question
  matrixType: ''
  questionText: "5) Mitä lokaaleja muuttujia tai attribuutteja (myös viitteet\
    \ lasketaan) näkyy Begin-metodissa"
  questionType: checkbox-vertical
  timeLimit: 50
  title: Begin
points: 1:0.25;2:0.25;4:0.25;6:0.25
expl: {}
  answerFieldType: checkbox
    headers: []
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 0, type: answer}
      id: 0
      text: pallo
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 1, type: answer}
      id: 1
      text: x
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 2, type: answer}
      id: 2
      text: y
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 3, type: answer}
      id: 3
      text: p
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 4, type: answer}
      id: 4
      text: peli
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 5, type: answer}
      id: 5
      text: this
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 6, type: answer}
      id: 6
      text: o
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 7, type: answer}
      id: 7
      text: c
      type: question
  matrixType: ''
  questionText: "6) Mitä lokaaleja muuttujia tai attribuutteja (myös viitteet\
    \ lasketaan) näkyy Vaihda-metodissa"
  questionType: checkbox-vertical
  timeLimit: 50
  title: Vaihda
points: 1:0.25;2:0.25;6:0.25;8:0.25
expl: {}
  answerFieldType: checkbox
    headers: []
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 0, type: answer}
      id: 0
      text: pallo
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 1, type: answer}
      id: 1
      text: x
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 2, type: answer}
      id: 2
      text: y
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 3, type: answer}
      id: 3
      text: p
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 4, type: answer}
      id: 4
      text: peli
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 5, type: answer}
      id: 5
      text: this
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 6, type: answer}
      id: 6
      text: o
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 7, type: answer}
      id: 7
      text: c
      type: question
  matrixType: ''
  questionText: "7) Mitä lokaaleja muuttujia tai attribuutteja (myös viitteet\
    \ lasketaan) näkyy Lisaa-metodissa"
  questionType: checkbox-vertical
  timeLimit: 40
  title: Lisaa
points: 1:0.3;2:0.3;6:0.4;8:0.25
expl: {}
  answerFieldType: checkbox
    headers: []
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 0, type: answer}
      id: 0
      text: pallo
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 1, type: answer}
      id: 1
      text: x
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 2, type: answer}
      id: 2
      text: y
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 3, type: answer}
      id: 3
      text: p
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 4, type: answer}
      id: 4
      text: peli
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 5, type: answer}
      id: 5
      text: this
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 6, type: answer}
      id: 6
      text: o
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 7, type: answer}
      id: 7
      text: c
      type: question
  matrixType: ''
  questionText: "8) Mitä lokaaleja muuttujia tai attribuutteja (myös viitteet\
    \ lasketaan) näkyy Luo-funktiossa"
  questionType: checkbox-vertical
  timeLimit: 50
  title: Luo
points: 2:0.25;3:0.25;5:0.25;7:0.25
expl: {}
  answerFieldType: checkbox
    headers: []
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 0, type: answer}
      id: 0
      text: Begin
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 1, type: answer}
      id: 1
      text: Peli
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 2, type: answer}
      id: 2
      text: Vaihda
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 3, type: answer}
      id: 3
      text: Lisaa
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 4, type: answer}
      id: 4
      text: Color
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 5, type: answer}
      id: 5
      text: Luo
      type: question
  matrixType: ''
  questionText: "9) Missä metodeissa/aliohjelmissa tehty sijoitus x=10 vaikuttaa\
    \ rivillä 12 esiteltyyn x:ään"
  questionType: checkbox-vertical
  timeLimit: 40
  title: x
points: 1:0.4;3:0.3;4:0.3
expl: {}
  answerFieldType: checkbox
    headers: []
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 0, type: answer}
      id: 0
      text: y = 30;
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 1, type: answer}
      id: 1
      text: x = 20;
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 2, type: answer}
      id: 2
      text: pallo++;
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 3, type: answer}
      id: 3
      text: p.Color = Color.Green;
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 4, type: answer}
      id: 4
      text: Lisaa();
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 5, type: answer}
      id: 5
      text: return;
      type: question
  matrixType: ''
  questionText: "10) Mitkä seuraavista aiheuttavat virheen jos ne kirjoitetaan\
    \ Vaihda-metodin loppuun (yksitellen kokeiltuina)"
  questionType: checkbox-vertical
  timeLimit: 50
  title: virheen
points: 1:0.4;3:0.3;4:0.3
expl: {}
  answerFieldType: checkbox
    headers: []
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 0, type: answer}
      id: 0
      text: Tulee yksi pallo (keltainen)
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 1, type: answer}
      id: 1
      text: Tulee kaksi keltaista palloa
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 2, type: answer}
      id: 2
      text: "Näkyy 1 valkoinen ja 1 punainen pallo"
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 3, type: answer}
      id: 3
      text: "Ohjelma ei käänny"
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 4, type: answer}
      id: 4
      text: Tulee ajonaikainen virhe
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 5, type: answer}
      id: 5
      text: "En tiedä"
      type: question
  matrixType: ''
  questionText: "11) Muutetaan rivi 33 muotoon Luo(this, ...). Mitä tapahtuu."
  questionType: checkbox-vertical
  timeLimit: 50
  title: muutetaan
points: '5:1'
expl: {}
  answerFieldType: checkbox
    headers: []
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 0, type: answer}
      id: 0
      text: pallo
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 1, type: answer}
      id: 1
      text: x
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 2, type: answer}
      id: 2
      text: y
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 3, type: answer}
      id: 3
      text: this
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 4, type: answer}
      id: 4
      text: p
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 5, type: answer}
      id: 5
      text: c
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 6, type: answer}
      id: 6
      text: o
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 7, type: answer}
      id: 7
      text: peli
      type: question
  matrixType: ''
  questionText: "12) Mitkä ovat viitemuuttujia (aliohjelmasta riippumatta)"
  questionType: checkbox-vertical
  timeLimit: 50
  title: viite
points: 1:0.2;4:0.2;5:0.2;6:0.1;7:0.1;8:0.2
expl: {}
  answerFieldType: radio
    headers: []
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 0, type: answer}
      id: 0
      text: '0'
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 1, type: answer}
      id: 1
      text: '1'
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 2, type: answer}
      id: 2
      text: '2'
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 3, type: answer}
      id: 3
      text: '3'
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 4, type: answer}
      id: 4
      text: '4'
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 5, type: answer}
      id: 5
      text: '5'
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 6, type: answer}
      id: 6
      text: '6'
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 7, type: answer}
      id: 7
      text: "en tiedä"
      type: question
  matrixType: ''
  questionText: 13) Montako luokkaa ohjelmassa on itse tehty
  questionType: radio-vertical
  timeLimit: 20
  title: montako
points: '2:1'
expl: {}
  answerFieldType: radio
    headers: []
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 0, type: answer}
      id: 0
      text: ei
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 1, type: answer}
      id: 1
      text: voi
      type: question
    - columns:
      - {id: 0, rowId: 2, type: answer}
      id: 2
      text: "En tiedä"
      type: question
  matrixType: ''
  questionText: 14) Voiko vaihda olla static
  questionType: radio-vertical
  timeLimit: 25
  title: Voiko
points: '2:1'
expl: {}
  answerFieldType: text
    - {id: 1, text: '', type: header}
    - columns:
      - {id: 1, rowId: 0, type: answer}
      id: 0
      text: ''
      type: question
  matrixType: textArea
  questionText: 15) Miksi voi
  questionType: matrix
  timeLimit: 50
  title: Miksi
points: ''

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