MathCheck examples
The purpose of MathCheck is to help students learn high school and early university mathematics. The student can type in or copy and paste a solution to a problem. MathCheck shows the solution in mathematical notation and partially checks it. With MathCheck, students can get some useful feedback on their solutions and thus improve them before delivering them to a human teacher.
MathCheck is currently under development. Please feel free to try it as much as you like, but please do not start serious use without asking me first. If you find a bug in MathCheck, please tell me.
Original MathCheck pages / Antti Valmari.
See instructions how to write answers.
Try with examples
There is example solutions allready in many questions to make it easier to test how this works. In real life the box may be empty or contain something that user can start to change.
Try to change the answer to wrong and correct again.
Equation Problem 1
You can write as much text before the quiz as needed.
Simplification Problem 1
Array claim 1
Expression Tree Problem 11
For result | write |
root(5)(3) |
9^3 |
ch |
23/4 |
Derivation Problem 1
Kissa istuu
puussa, frac(del)(del x)( x^2 + 3x -4
Checking MathCheck quiz
Linux shell to check how it works
`x < 0 / -2x + (x-1) = x/2 + 2 / 0 <= x < 1 / 2x + (x-1) = x/2 + 2 / 1 <= x / 2x - (x-1) = x/2 + 2 <=> x < 0 / -x - 1 = x/2 + 2 / 0 <= x < 1 / 3x - 1 = x/2 + 2 / 1 <= x / x + 1 = x/2 + 2 <=> x < 0 / -3 = 3/2 x / 0 <= x < 1 / 2 1/2 x = 3 / 1 <= x / x/2 = 1 <=> x < 0 / x = -2 / 0 <= x < 1 / x = 1 1/5 / 1 <= x / x = 2 <=> x = -2 / x = 2`
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