BGP hijacking.

Authors: Mikhail Zolotukhin and Timo Hämäläinen

1. Introduction

In 2008, a Pakistan ISP configured static route pointing to null in order to block YouTube access for its customers. However, the ISP started to announce the prefix towards its upstream provider PCCW Global that propagated the announcement to its peers successfully preventing access to the service for users around the world.

In 2013, traffic intended to go from Mexico to the United States diverted to Belarus before reaching its destination. By advertising false BGP broadcasts, a Belarusian ISP successfully propagated illegitimate routes onto the Internet. In this case, corporate or state espionage is likely an explanation.

In 2014, BGP hijacking was used to intercept Bitcoin miners' connections to a mining pool server. By rerouting traffic to a mining pool controlled by the attackers, it was possible to steal the cryptocurrency resulting from the victim’s mining. This attack collected an estimated $83,000 in cryptocurrency over a two-month period.

Finally, in 2017, traffic sent to and from Google, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft was briefly routed through a previously unknown Russian Internet provider Wednesday under circumstances researchers said were suspicious and intentional.

In this tutorial, we get familiar with BGP hijacking attack examples of which are given above. The remainder of this tutorial is organized as follows. Several preliminary tasks are presented in Section 2. Environment configuration is described in Section 3. BGP hijacking attack is presented in Section 4. Assignments are listed in Section 5. Section 6 concludes the tutorial.

This tutorial (including assignments) takes on average 9.49 hours to complete.

2. Preliminary questions

  • What is BGP protocol, what its main purpose and how does it work?
  • What is BGP hijacking, what can be consequences of this type of attack?
  • Check sections 2 and 3 of article Bamboozling Certificate Authorities with BGP to learn taxonomy of BGP attacks. What are two main metrics of a BGP hijacking attack efficiency? How can the attack be used to hijack a certificate authority?

3. Provider configuration

  1. Run alice-VM, webserv-VM and kali-VM. You should not start the gateway-VM in this tutorial.
  1. Reconfigure alice-VM netplan:

    $ sudo nano /etc/netplan/01-network-manager-all.yaml

    as follows:

     version: 2
       dhcp4: no
       addresses: []

    and apply netplan changes:

    $ sudo netplan apply
  1. Reconfigure kali-VM's network interface:

    $ sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

    as follows:

    auto eth0
    iface eth0 inet static

    and reboot the VM.

    Check webserv-VM's netplan settings:

    $ sudo nano /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml

    they should look as follows (edit if needed):

     version: 2
       dhcp4: no
       addresses: []
        addresses: [,]
  1. In VirtualBox, create three new VMs and configure them as follows:

    VM 1:

    • Name: provider-for-alice
    • RAM: 1024
    • Hard drive: 10 Gb
    • Network adapters: 1 - NAT, 2 - internal network "provider-net", 3 - internal network "lan"

    VM 2:

    • Name: provider-for-webserv
    • RAM: 1024
    • Hard drive: 10 Gb
    • Network adapters: 1 - NAT, 2 - internal network "provider-net", 3 - internal network "opt1"

    VM 3:

    • Name: provider-for-kali
    • RAM: 1024
    • Hard drive: 10 Gb
    • Network adapters: 1 - NAT, 2 - internal network "provider-net", 3 - internal network "opt2"

    Instead, you can also three times full-clone (with re-initializing MACs) one of your Ubuntu Servers, e.g. dnsserv or test-VM from the introduction tutorial, rename it and edit its network settings in VirtualBox Manager. If this is the case, you should also edit its netplan settings:

    $ sudo nano /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml

    so they look as follows:

     version: 2
       dhcp4: yes

    In each of the VMs cloned, you can change the name by editing file:

    $ sudo nano /etc/hostname

    then rebooting the VM. This is not mandatory, but it will make working with these clones more comfortable as you will see in which VM's terminal you are typing commands.

Network names should be adjusted when on the lecture server, right?

23 Sep 23


23 Sep 23

These take huge junk of my computers memory.. For future would be good to mention at the beginnin of the course that xxx-amound of memory is needed to complete all the tasks!

02 Oct 23

It was mentioned in the intro

05 Oct 23
  1. If you have chosen to create VMs from scratch, install Ubuntu Server on each of these three machines. As previously, you can configure one VM, install Ubuntu on it, and then simply full-clone it two times with re-initializing MACs. After that, just correct the two resulting clones' settings, i.e. name, network adapters, etc.
  1. Once all three VMs are ready, run them.
  1. Start with configuring provider-for-alice-VM. Check that you have access to the Internet:

    $ ping
  1. Install FRR on provider-for-alice:

    $ sudo apt install frr -y

    Enable BGP daemon, by first running:

    $ sudo nano /etc/frr/daemons

    changing "bgpd=no" to "bgpd=yes" and saving the changes.

    Finally, enable IP forwarding by executing in the terminal:

    $ sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
  1. (Re)start and enable FRR service:

    $ sudo systemctl start frr
    $ sudo systemctl restart frr
    $ sudo systemctl enable frr

    Stop and disable firewall:

    $ sudo systemctl stop ufw
    $ sudo systemctl disable ufw

    otherwise BGP peers will be blocked.

  1. Launch vtysh command shell, type:

    $ sudo vtysh

    The prompt will be changed to the hostname (in my case "provider"), which indicates that you are inside vtysh shell.

  1. Repeat steps 7-10 for other provider VMs: provider-for-webserv and provider-for-kali.
  1. Configure peering IP addresses of provider-for-alice-VM's interfaces (here we assume that the 2nd and the 3rd interface names are enp0s8 and enp0s9 respectively):

    provider# configure terminal
    provider(config)# interface enp0s8
    provider(config-if)# ip address
    provider(config-if)# no shutdown
    provider(config-if)# exit
    provider(config)# interface enp0s9
    provider(config-if)# ip address
    provider(config-if)# no shutdown
    provider(config-if)# exit
    provider(config)# exit
    provider# write

    Check that all three interfaces are up and have correct IP addresses:

    provider# show interface

    You can edit the configurations by removing an entry using keyword "no". For example, if you made a typo in IP address for interface enp0s8 by entering instead of, adding correct IP address will not solve the problem. In this case, you have to edit the configuration using "no" as follows:

    provider# configure terminal
    provider(config)# interface enp0s8
    provider(config-if)# no ip address
    provider(config-if)# ip address
    provider(config-if)# exit
    provider(config)# exit
    provider# write
  1. Configure peering IP addresses of provider-for-webserv-VM's interfaces (here we again assume that the 2nd and the 3rd interface names are enp0s8 and enp0s9 respectively):

    provider# configure terminal
    provider(config)# interface enp0s8
    provider(config-if)# ip address
    provider(config-if)# no shutdown
    provider(config-if)# exit
    provider(config)# interface enp0s9
    provider(config-if)# ip address
    provider(config-if)# no shutdown
    provider(config-if)# exit
    provider(config)# exit
    provider# write

    Check that you can now ping Alice's provider from the webserv's one:

    provider# ping

    and, vice versa, you can ping webserv's provider from the Alice's one:

    provider# ping

    It should work, otherwise double-check how you have configured the interfaces. We will configure the attacker's provider a bit later.

  1. On Alice's provider, configure BGP peering as follows:

    provider# configure terminal
    provider(config)# router bgp 100
    provider(config-router)# no auto-summary
    provider(config-router)# no synchronization
    provider(config-router)# no bgp ebgp-requires-policy
    provider(config-router)# neighbor remote-as 200
    provider(config-router)# exit
    provider(config)# exit
    provider# write

    Do the similar thing on webserv's provider:

    provider# configure terminal
    provider(config)# router bgp 200
    provider(config-router)# no auto-summary
    provider(config-router)# no synchronization
    provider(config-router)# no bgp ebgp-requires-policy
    provider(config-router)# neighbor remote-as 100
    provider(config-router)# exit
    provider(config)# exit
    provider# write
  1. On both, Alice's and webserv's provider, run

    provider# show ip bgp summary

    that should show the table of neighbors with "0" in column State/PfxRcd. If it is not "0", but "Active", you probably did not disable the firewall, or did something wrong when entering the configuration commands above, please double-check.

  1. Finally, we can configure prefix advertisements. On provider-for-alice-VM:

    provider# configure terminal
    provider(config)# router bgp 100
    provider(config-router)# network
    provider(config-router)# exit
    provider(config)# exit
    provider# write

    and on provider-for-webserv-VM:

    provider# configure terminal
    provider(config)# router bgp 200
    provider(config-router)# network
    provider(config-router)# exit
    provider(config)# exit
    provider# write
  1. On both, Alice's and webserv's provider, run again

    provider# show ip bgp summary

    that should show the table of neighbors with "1" in column "State/PfxRcd" (it may take few seconds for state to increment).

    If it is not "1", you can also try the following command:

    provider# clear ip bgp *

    which will hard reset all BGP neighbor connections, drop peerings, etc. Basically, it is needed to refresh BGP configurations, without restarting the provider VMs. If it does not help, you did something wrong when entering the commands above.

    More details about BGP peers can be obtained by using commands, for Alice's provider:

    provider# show ip bgp neighbors advertised-routes
    provider# show ip bgp neighbors routes

    for webserv's provider:

    provider# show ip bgp neighbors advertised-routes
    provider# show ip bgp neighbors routes

    and for both of them:

    provider# show ip bgp
    provider# show ip route bgp
    provider# show ip route
  1. Now, we can test the resulting providers. From alice-VM browse to

    It should work. If you cannot access webserv-VM from alice-VM, you probably have done something wrong by this point. Most likely you have forgot to enable IP forwarding on one of the provider-VMs, but it may be something else, so double-check your configurations.

    It is worth noticing that Alice-VM (as well as webserv and attacker) will not have access to the Internet in such configuration, but it is not required in this tutorial. If, for some reason, you need the Internet connection on Alice (or other clients), you can for example temporarily change its network adapter to NAT and interface to DHCP, install packages you need, and then change it back to the internal network and static address. Another solution would be to configure iptables on the Alice's (or other client's) provider so that external traffic is forwarded to the NAT interface, but this is beyond the scope of this tutorial.

  1. Now, it is time to configure the attacker and his evil provider. On provider-for-kali-VM, run vtysh, if it is not running yet:

    sudo vtysh

    and then configure interfaces:

    provider# configure terminal
    provider(config)# interface enp0s8
    provider(config-if)# ip address
    provider(config-if)# no shutdown
    provider(config-if)# exit
    provider(config)# interface enp0s9
    provider(config-if)# ip address
    provider(config-if)# no shutdown
    provider(config-if)# exit
    provider(config)# exit
    provider# write

    Then, proceed with peers and network advertisements:

    provider# configure terminal
    provider(config)# router bgp 300
    provider(config-router)# no auto-summary
    provider(config-router)# no synchronization
    provider(config-router)# no bgp ebgp-requires-policy
    provider(config-router)# neighbor remote-as 200
    provider(config-router)# network
    provider(config-router)# exit
    provider(config)# exit
    provider# write    

    Notice, that we use mask "25" that is more specific than "24" which the webserv's provider uses. Run:

    provider# show ip bgp summary

    "Active" in State/PfxRcd column is ok at this point.

  1. Go back to the web server's provider and add the attacker's provider as a neighbor.

    provider# configure terminal
    provider(config)# router bgp 200
    provider(config-router)# neighbor remote-as 300
    provider(config-router)# exit
    provider(config)# exit
    provider# write    

    then check that provider-for-webserv now has two neighbors:

    provider# show ip bgp summary
  1. Go again to the attacker's provider and check its neighbors:

    provider# show ip bgp summary

    The number in the state column should be "2" as there are both Alice's and webserv's provider advertise one network each.

  1. The trick here is that the attacker's provider advertises lower mask than the webserv's one and therefore the route proposed by the attacker's provider is more specific. For this reason, Alice's provider and all its clients (namely Alice) will prefer the route advertised by the attacker's provider. To demonstrate this, create "accounts" directory on kali-VM:

    $ sudo mkdir /var/www/html/accounts

    and add file index.php

    $ sudo nano /var/www/html/accounts/index.php

    Type there something that will indicate that the server corresponds to the attacker, e.g.

    You are under attack :(

    save and exit. Start Apache service:

    $ sudo systemctl start apache2
  1. From alice-VM, browse server's IP again:

    This time Alice should be routed to the malicious server.

    If you cannot access kali-VM from alice-VM, you probably have done something wrong by this point, e.g. might have not enabled IP forwarding on provider-VMs, may be something else, double-check the configurations.

    Obviously, provider-for-webserv can fight for Alice by providing more specific network mask. That is exactly, what Youtube did in 2008 to fight Pakistan's ISP. Youtube began to announce more specific prefix, however the service would still not be available for a large part of YouTube users. Those were the users whose traffic took a path towards Pakistan Telecom AS17557, thus it could not reach YouTube. The traffic was being backhauled by a static route configured on Pakistan AS17557 edge router.

Everything looked O.K. The thing that worked for me was to restart Alice's VM.

13 Oct 23

4. Assignment

4.1 Preliminary

Complete the test below based on the preliminary questions (1 point).

# bgp_basic1
# bgp_basic2

4.2 Basic

Complete the test below based on the tutorial results (0.5 points):

# bgp_basic3
# bgp_basic4
# bgp_basic5
# bgp_basic6
# bgp_basic7

How can BGP hijacking be detected? What is looking glass and how can it be used to detect BGP hijacking attacks? Complete the test below devoted to the BGP hijacking detection (0.5 points).

# bgp_basic8

As mentioned in the last paragraph of the tutorial, the most straightforward way to mitigate this attack from the legitimate web server's provider is to announce a more specific path. Implement this solution by announcing the web server's network with mask 26 from the provider-for-webserv-VM.

For this purpose, first change IP address (rather mask) of the 3rd network interface as follows:

provider# ...
provider(config)# ...
provider(config-if)# no ip ...
provider(config-if)# ip ...
provider(config-if)# ...
provider(config)# ...
provider# ...

Then, announce the same network as before but with mask 26:

provider# ...
provider(config)# ...
provider(config-router)# no network ...
provider(config-router)# network ...
provider(config-router)# ...
provider(config)# ...
provider# ...

Complete the commands above and test that everything works correctly in your virtual network, i.e. Alice gets redirected to the legitimate web server. Then, copy-paste the complete commands to the answer boxes below. Do not copy "#"-symbols and the parts of the text before them, i.e. copy only the commands. Separate commands from each other with an empty line!

The grading script expects that the network interface name, the network announced and the router's bgp number are the same as in the tutorial, i.e. if you use some other values in your virtual environment, you should modify your commands accordingly when submitting the answers.

It is also worth noticing, that in FRR most of the commands can be shortened, e.g. instead of "configure terminal", you can use "conf t" and it will work. However, in answer boxes of this and all the following assignments, please type full commands as used in the tutorial and the articles linked.

Changing network interface (7 commands, 0.5 points):

# bgp_basic9

What do I do wrong? The connection works as intended with these settings, but I get no points at all :(

21 Oct 23

Added the right answer to the comment box. Hope that will do! I run out of tries because of stupid mistakes :(

22 Oct 23

Bella - configure

Joni - ok

23 Oct 23 (edited 23 Oct 23)

Changing network announcement (7 commands, 0.5 points):

# bgp_basic10

If you also want to continue with the advanced assignments, you should revert changes back, i.e. change mask from 26 to 24 for both: the 3rd network interface of the provider-for-webserv and the network it announces. For this purpose, use exactly the same commands as before, only switch the masks. Make sure that after that Alice is redirected to the attacker's web page as previously.

4.3 Advanced

Learn about BGP hijacking prevention methods. You can start from this article, although commands there are a bit outdated and a bit incorrect. For correct commands, you can use the latest frr documentation or any other source you can find.

One solution for BGP hijacking prevention is accepting only prefixes with length 24 and less on provider-for-webserv-VM. For this purpose, first create prefix list called "my_prefix_list" which denies addresses with mask greater than 24, but permits the ones with mask 24 or less (i.e. mask should be between 0 and 24):

provider# ...
provider(config)# ... my_prefix_list deny ... le ...
provider(config)# ... my_prefix_list permit ... le ...

Tip: the mask range is inclusive in the commands above, i.e. if you want to deny the mask greater than 24, you should specify the range between 25 and 32, i.e. the command in the article linked above is not correct in this regard.

Next, modify router settings by adding both the provider-for-webserv's neighbors to this prefix list:

provider(config)# ...
provider(config-router)# neighbor ...
provider(config-router)# neighbor ...

Finally, exit and write changes:

provider(config-router)# ...
provider(config)# ...
provider# ...

Test that your configuration is working. i.e. Alice should have access to the legitimate web server. When you test a new bgp configuration, you can also use command:

provider# clear ip bgp *

to refresh BGP peers (this command is not part of the assignment, do not copy it to the answer box).

Complete the first nine commands above and copy-paste them in exactly the same order as they are listed to the answer box below. Use an empty line to separate commands from each other.

Accepting only prefixes with length 24 and less (9 commands, 0.8 points):

# bgp_advanced1

Out of answer limits. Works as intended but I get 0.6 out of 0.8. I guess that's it? I should've opened a new Chat topic on my issue with last remaining answering try left to get the correct answer or just "nah keep trying :)"?

13 Oct 23

Hmm... I honestly was not expecting the answer like this, there is a shorter version of the 2nd line without "ge", only with "le", that is why I put it into the command template, but ok; updated the points

Tip: please use "le" as instructed; there is an answer in the article linked, you just need to adjust it slightly based on the information given in the assignment.

15 Oct 23 (edited 18 Oct 23)

To test another method, we need to revert the changes just introduced. For this purpose, on the provider-for-webserv-VM, remove both neighbors from the prefix-list created:

provider# ...
provider(config)# ...
provider(config-router)# no neighbor ...
provider(config-router)# no neighbor ...
provider(config-router)# ...
provider(config)# ...
provider# ...

Copy-paste the complete commands separated from each other with an empty line to the answer box below.

Removing neighbors from the prefix list (7 commands, 0.3 points):

# bgp_advanced2

You can also remove the prefix-list itself, but it is not required. In any case, after that, Alice should again be redirected to the malicious web server.

The second approach is more straightforward. We can simply create an access list to filter out the incorrect (malicious) AS path. For this purpose, on provider-for-webserv-VM, create an access list called "my_access_list" that permits only AS path of the provider-for-alice, i.e. 100:

provider# ...
provider(config)# ... my_access_list permit ...

Next, modify router settings by adding both provider-for-webserv's neighbors to this access list:

provider(config)# ...
provider(config-router)# neighbor ...
provider(config-router)# neighbor ...

Finally, exit and write changes:

provider(config-router)# ...
provider(config)# ...
provider# ...

Test that your configuration is working. i.e. Alice should have access to the legitimate web server.

Complete the commands and copy-paste them in exactly the same order as they are listed above to the answer box below. Use an empty line to separate commands from each other.

Accepting only AS path of the provider-for-alice (8 commands, 0.6 points):

# bgp_advanced3

Is there something wrong with my answers (this and next one)? It works perfectly fine in my environment.

23 Sep 23 (edited 23 Sep 23)

yeah, the script expected another type of list in comands 4 and 5, but it looks like it does not matter; I updated the script; so just resubmit your answers, it should give full points; same for the next one

23 Sep 23 (edited 23 Sep 23)

As previously, revert the changes just introduced by removing both neighbors from the access list created on the provider-for-webserv-VM:

provider# ...
provider(config)# ...
provider(config-router)# no neighbor ...
provider(config-router)# no neighbor ...
provider(config-router)# ...
provider(config)# ...
provider# ...

Copy-paste the complete commands separated from each other with an empty line to the answer box below.

Removing neighbors from the access list (7 commands, 0.3 points):

# bgp_advanced4

4.4 General comments and feedback

Let us know how many hours in total have you spent on this assignment:

# bgp_time

On a scale from 1 to 10, estimate how interesting and difficult was the tutorial:

# bgp_interest
# bgp_difficulty

You can also give us some general feedback:

# bgp_feedback

5. Conclusion

In this tutorial, we got familiar with BGP routing protocol and BGP hijacking attack. Despite this type of attack being as old as the BGP protocol, from November 28th of 2015 up to 31st of May, 2017 there were 2615 BGP leaks detected around the world. Most of the time, these illegitimate advertisements have no malicious purpose and they are caused by misconfiguration, mostly due to improper filtering. The AS that leaks the prefix inserts itself somewhere in the AS path. As a result, traffic is redirected through the leaker AS which can impact network performance.

More information on the topic can be found at:


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