IPv6 basics

Authors: Lauri Sormunen, Timo Hämäläinen and Mikhail Zolotukhin


What are IPv4 and IPv6?

  • Internet Protocol version 4 or 6
  • Layer 3 (network layer) protocols
  • Responsible only for routing packets to intended destination - and nothing else!
  • IPv4 and IPv6 are entirely separate protocols and do not interact

Address space of IPv4

IPv4 addresses: an identifier consisting of 32 bits, or 4 bytes

  • Usually presented as a tuple of decimal numbers, separated by dots
  • e.g. address in different formats
Format Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4
Decimal 130 234 4 30
Binary 10000010 11101010 00000100 00011110
Hexadecimal 82 ea 04 1e

Address space of IPv6

IPv6 addresses: an identifier consisting of 128 bits, or 16 bytes

  • Usually presented as a tuple of hexadecimal numbers, separated by colons
  • e.g. address 2001:123:4567:89ab:cdef:0:82ea:041e in different formats
Format Byte block 1 Byte block 2 Byte block 3 Byte block 4 Byte block 5 Byte block 6 Byte block 7 Byte block 8
Decimal 8193 291 17767 35243 52719 0 33514 = 130 * 2^8 + 234 1054 = 4 * 2^8 + 30
Binary 00100000 00000001 00000001 00100011 01000101 01100111 10001001 10101011 11001101 11101111 00000000 00000000 10000010 11101010 00000100 00011110
Hexadecimal 2001 123 4567 89ab cdef 0 82ea 41e

IPv6 address representation

  • 8 blocks of 2 bytes

  • Leading zeroes of each block are omitted

  • Consecutive zero blocks can once be replaced with "::"

  • For example:

    • 2001:0:0:0:aaaa:bbbb:cccc:dddd is shortened to 2001::aaaa:bbbb:cccc:dddd

    • 2001:0:0:0:aaaa:0:0:dddd can be shortened to either 2001::aaaa:0:0:dddd or 2001:0:0:0:aaaa::dddd.

  • First 64 bits represent the network ID, last 64 bits a host ID.

A few notable address types

Prefix Use Explanation
2000::/3 Global Unicast Global Unicast addresses. The most common address type.
ff00::/8 Multicast Multicast group addresses
fe80::/10 Link-Local Addresses only used on a single link or Ethernet LAN / WLAN
fc00::/7 Unique Local Addresses (ULAs) Private network addresses, which are not routed in WAN. Used in exercises!

See IPv6 reference card for more details.

How large is IPv6 Internet?

  • Theoretical number of IPv4 addresses: \(2^{32} = 4\,294\,967\,296\)

  • Theoretical number of IPv6 addresses: \(2^{128} \approx 3.4 \cdot 10^{38}\)

    => IPv6 Internet could contain 79 228 162 514 264 337 593 543 950 336 IPv4 Internets!

  • Practically, some addresses are reserved for different uses, e.g. broadcast, multicast, NATed LAN/Link-Local

  • Additionally, netmask length is almost always 64 bits in IPv6 Internet. Therefore the first 64 bits identify the network and last 64 bits the device in the network.

    => There are \(2^{64}\) addresses available for devices in a single LAN!

Why IPv6?

  • Global depletion of IPv4 addresses
    • NAT "solved" this in the 90s
    • Finnish ISPs have not depleted their allocations of IPv4 addresses
  • Restores end-to-end principle of the Internet (broken by NAT)
  • Better support for mobility (Mobile IP)
  • "Mandatory" IPsec (was changed from "must implement" to "should" in RFC6434)
  • Simpler header structure: always 40 bytes + extension headers
    • Includes unused flow label of 20 bits


  • NAT has (so far) extended lifetime of IPv4
  • End-to-end availability not required because of compatibility of client-server model with NAT
    • i.e. servers have public availability, clients do not
  • Mobile IP was also implemented to IPv4 with subtle differences
    • ...and mobile IP has almost no demand
  • Security is not better since it is not required to be implemented
  • No "killer apps" for IPv6 Internet

Differences to IPv4

  • Many Layer 3 protocols have IPv6 versions of them, e.g. ICMPv6
  • Server applications are often required to be configured to enable IPv6 connections
  • No broadcast addresses - instead multicast support is "better"
    • In a LAN, ff02::1 is the Link-Local multicast address
  • No ARP, instead Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP)
    • Clients send Neighbor Solicitations
    • Routers answer with Neighbor Advertisements

  • IP addresses are acquired using either DHCPv6 or Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC)
    • Overview of SLAAC: Clients joining network send Link-Local Multicast ICMPv6 messages to discover routers and other devices
      • Clients send Router Solicitations
      • Routers send Router Advertisements
    • In exercises, we enable DHCPv6 to make sure each device discovers being in an IPv6-enabled network
  • Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) is used to detect if same host ID (last 64 bits) exists in the network

Security considerations

  • Restoration of end-to-end Internet => Every device reachable by any device
  • Security of e.g. IoT devices is not convincing
    • DDoS attacks by smurf attacks or using compromised devices
  • IPv6 header structrure is simpler, but allows usage of IPv6 header extensions, enabling DoS attacks.
  • Most modern routers implement dual stack - but not all. If IPv6 is available, it is often preferred.
  • IPv6 may be enabled without user's knowledge, which offers alternative attack channels bypassing NAT and IPv4 firewalls.
  • Some routers and IDSs are not equipped to handle IPv6 firewalling properly

Effectivity of attacks

  • Scanning for hosts takes forever!

    • E.g. nmap in an IPv4 /24 LAN takes a few seconds (254 hosts)
    • nmap in IPv6 /64 LAN takes ~58 000 years with 10 million pings per second (\(2^{64}\) hosts)
    • By Link-Local multicast messages, hosts can be identified from inside
    • DNS servers (internal and external) must be protected, since they can be used to find alive hosts
  • DoS attacks in LAN:

    • Answer every DAD ("Is anyone using this address...?" - "YES!")
    • RA/NA flooding (increase neighbor database size)
    • Spoof being a router or announce a router to have a lifetime of zero
  • IPv6 protocols support multiple routers in a network

    => Anyone can become a router => MitM or DoS

Security solutions

  • Set up firewalls! Upgrade router software/hardware to support IPv6.
  • Disable IPv6 on routers entirely if enough public IPv4 addresses are usable
  • Do not assign IPv6 address host IDs in numerical order. Use other methods, e.g. host IDs calculated from MAC or cryptographically generated host IDs.
  • "NAT is not firewall" i.e. lack of NAT does not make IPv6 unsafer
    • Though NAT obscures view of network to outside world, NAT should not be trusted as a protective measure
    • Older implementations of NAT may even route unexpected packets to random hosts

When will the transition from IPv4 to IPv6 happen?

  • It is happening! More and more devices globally join the IPv6 network.
  • Accesses of Google through IPv6
  • Notable factors:
    • Customers' demands from ISPs
    • New applications
    • IoT

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