Ohjelmointi 1, In English

IMPORTANT: All the essential information is in Korppi. The information in this page is additional to that.


The lectures (two lectures each week; making a total of 22 lectures) will be given in Finnish.

The lecture notes (``course book'') is available in English and in Finnish.


(Click the En link on the upper right corner.)

The majority of the weekly assignments have been translated into English. There may be some assignments still missing but we are working on it.

There will be English speaking teaching assistants in the lab sessions.

You can write your code in English, that'll be fine.

The final exam will be available in English.

What you need to do to pass this course

  • At least 40% of the weekly assignments (demot in Finnish) and at least two per week.
  • Pass the debugging test. This test is done during the supervised demo sessions by the end of assignment round 8.
  • Do a project work. This is a more extensive programming work which will strengthen your programming skills and where the main points taught during this course is brought together. Usually students do a small game using Visual Studio and the Jypeli physics library.
  • Pass the final exam.

By the end of this course a student is expected to know the following

  1. Explain the basic principles of structured programming
  2. Find suitable algorithms, data types and structures for simple problem-solving
  3. Design and create small program using C# programming language and tools associated with it

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